polyurethane safety
Aug 21

Utilize Key Solutions to Alleviate Manufacturing Risk

Polyurethane safety is a primary concern for all manufacturers of the versatile material. Needed and used more than ever across virtually every industry in a variety of forms, polyurethane needs to be produced at a high level, in an efficient fashion, and with the needed precautions to avoid risk to the workers and facilities that handle the material every day.
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polyurethane foam testing
Jul 21

Validate, Improve, and Analyze with Testing Services

Polyurethane foam testing is essential in ensuring the versatile material meets the demands of the many products and applications, which rely on it each day.
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custom chemical mixing
Dec 20

The New Year is Coming — How Will You Improve Your Production Process?

It’s no secret that 2020 has been a challenging year for manufacturers. Regardless of industry, companies around the world have had to tackle new complexities and roadblocks as a result of the pandemic, tariff challenges, and the subsequent supply and logistics hurdles. But from these challenges have come new ways of thinking, innovative new processes, and solutions designed to help companies get back on track — and stay on it.

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medical grade polyurethane
Nov 20

Why the Healthcare Industry Relies on Medical Grade Polyurethane

Polyurethane is one of the most flexible, adaptable, and customizable materials in use in countless applications and markets today. From being used in the military for numerous defense applications due to its strength and affordability to serving as a structural component in the construction industry due to its rigidity and sound absorption properties, there’s no other material like polyurethane. The same goes for healthcare and pharmaceutical, where medical grade polyurethane is used for countless applications.Read more

military grade foam
Oct 20

Military Grade Foam is Used in Countless Defense Applications

With Veterans Day around the corner, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank veterans for their service. Your time, energy, and sacrifices are deeply appreciated, and we’re grateful to you for all that you do to keep our nation safe. We also wanted to take the opportunity to share ways that our equipment plays an important part in numerous military grade foam applications.

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industrial strength foam
Sep 20

Industrial Strength Foam Goes Beyond Industrial Applications

Industrial strength foam isn’t restricted to one or two industries — it’s a common part of multiple industries worldwide. Countless products rely on rigid polyurethane foam as part of their design in order to perform under varying conditions.

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polyurethane metering systems
Jul 20

Polyurethane Metering Systems are the Heart of Every Production Environment

As the regulation and flow system between material storage and the mix head that disperses that material, the success of every polyurethane application centers on the performance and reliability of these machines. Because these systems play such an important role in your facilities and production chain, it’s critical that they be precisely configured to your needs.

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polyurethane testing
Jun 20

Why 2-Step Polyurethane Testing is So Critical for Application Success

Across the world, polyurethane material is in use in countless products and applications that businesses and consumers need and rely on every day. In each situation, the polyurethane mixture used to create the products must be developed to meet the end product performance characteristics. Chemical suppliers such as Dow, Covestro, and BASF engineer these formulations to address both external pressures from the elements like temperature, moisture, and heat and internal pressure such as cellular structure, composition, any gas nucleation used, and so on. In order to achieve success in these applications, the first step of polyurethane testing is dependent on the chemical suppliers.

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chemical metering system
Feb 20

What Are Chemical Metering Systems?

Whether your organization is in the aerospace, automotive, medical, or sporting goods industry, everything that occurs in your production environment is controlled and regulated in some way. When it comes to polyurethane processing, much of that control is set and monitored by a chemical metering system. These devices control how much material is distributed from a polyurethane storage system (such as a bulk chemical storage tank) to the mix head, where the material is then sprayed, poured, or otherwise distributed onto a specific surface. Chemical metering systems also control key aspects of polyurethane mixing ratios.Read more


polyurethane roofing
How Polyurethane Roofing Enhances Energy Efficiency
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spf insulation
Exploring the Benefits of SPF Insulation
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structural foam
The Role of Structural Foam in Modern Industries
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closed cell spray foam
Closed-Cell Spray Foam: What is it and is it Right for You?
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