polyurethane roofing
Jun 24

Save Money by Investing in Polyurethane Roofing

Polyurethane roofing — particularly spray polyurethane foam (SPF) — was popularized in the late 1970s as an energy-efficient solution for roofing applications. Over the decades, it’s proven to be a game-changer for both commercial and residential buildings.
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spf insulation
May 24

Is SPF Insulation Right for Your Project?

When it comes to building residential and commercial structures, there are a lot of decisions to make. Among them is the type of insulation you’ll use.
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structural foam
May 24

What is Structural Foam?

Structural foam is an umbrella term for a wide range of materials with a microcellular structure.
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closed cell spray foam
Mar 24

Should You Use Closed-Cell Spray Foam for Your Application?

In both commercial and residential building projects, you must choose what kind of insulation you want to use. There are a variety of options out there, one of the most popular being closed-cell spray foam. But, how do you know what’s right for you? In this blog, we’re diving into the closed-cell option and comparing it with other popular insulation materials, like fiberglass, cellulose, and open-cell spray foam. Let’s get started.
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open cell spray foam
Feb 24

Is Open-Cell Spray Foam Right for Your Application?

Whether you’re constructing a commercial or residential property, you’ll have to decide on a type of insulation for the project. With so many options to choose from — fiberglass, cellulose, open-cell spray foam, or closed-cell spray foam — it can be difficult to discern what’s right for you. Here, we’ll help you understand what open-cell spray foam is and why it’s likely the right choice for your residential or commercial project. Let’s dive in.
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polyurethane rigid foam insulation
Feb 24

Should You Choose Rigid or Flexible Polyurethane Foam Insulation?

Polyurethane, a versatile material with applications spanning numerous industries, presents a crucial decision point for users — choosing between polyurethane rigid foam insulation or its flexible counterpart.
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what is polyurethane used for
Dec 23
This versatile polymer exists in various forms, making it ideal for use in many industries and products. Its abrasion and solvent resistance, elasticity, and insulating properties make it a great fit for a wide range of applications. So, what is polyurethane used for?
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polyurethane mix
Nov 23

Precision in Mixing Critical for Polyurethane Manufacturing Success

Polyurethanes play integral roles in countless products we use daily. They provide abrasion resistance in coatings, durability in adhesives, cushioning in furniture, and performance in everything from footwear to cars. However, realizing the full potential of these versatile polymers requires meticulous attention to precision during processing. In particular, achieving the optimal polyurethane mix — the ratio of polyol and isocyanate components — is critical for material properties, productivity, and profitability.
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polyurethane processing machinery
Oct 23

Wide Range of Equipment Impacts Production, Performance

Polyurethane is an incredibly versatile material utilized across various industries from automotive and aerospace to construction and healthcare. To process and manufacture high-quality products, investing in the right polyurethane processing machinery is crucial.
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AI manufacturing
Sep 23

Artificial Intelligence is Powering Industry 4.0

Unless you’ve been stuck on a desert island, it is impossible to ignore the rise of artificial intelligence in 2023. Advancements in AI have energized business applications across every industry, including manufacturing. AI in manufacturing is transforming and redefining how factories operate, boosting efficiency, and driving innovation. Even manufacturers working with polyurethane can benefit from the adoption of this technology.
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polyurethane roofing
How Polyurethane Roofing Enhances Energy Efficiency
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spf insulation
Exploring the Benefits of SPF Insulation
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structural foam
The Role of Structural Foam in Modern Industries
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closed cell spray foam
Closed-Cell Spray Foam: What is it and is it Right for You?
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