chemical metering system
Feb 20

What Are Chemical Metering Systems?

Whether your organization is in the aerospace, automotive, medical, or sporting goods industry, everything that occurs in your production environment is controlled and regulated in some way. When it comes to polyurethane processing, much of that control is set and monitored by a chemical metering system. These devices control how much material is distributed from a polyurethane storage system (such as a bulk chemical storage tank) to the mix head, where the material is then sprayed, poured, or otherwise distributed onto a specific surface. Chemical metering systems also control key aspects of polyurethane mixing ratios.Read more

chemical holding tanks
Jan 20

Tired of Those Annoying 55-Gallon Drums and Totes? Go with Chemical Holding Tanks Instead

You’re not alone. For years, companies that manufacture products using polyurethane or that apply polyurethane in other applications have been ordering, hauling, storing, and handling material in 55-gallon drums rather than chemical holding tanks. For companies with more significant production demands, this inefficiency was upsized into significantly larger 270-gallon totes. Depending on overall production volume, companies might have anywhere from dozens to hundreds or even thousands of these drums in their facilities throughout their footprint.

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polyurethane foam mixing head 3
Dec 19

A Material for Every Market

Polyurethane is one of the most customizable materials available in markets today. Whereas other materials allow for significant customization for appearance purposes only, polyurethane can acquire a number of different properties.  By mixing polyol and isocyanate in specific ratios and combining it with other chemicals, companies can achieve remarkable results.Read more

mix head repair
Nov 19

Production Success Requires a Properly Functioning Mix Head

Numerous Industries around the world rely on their mix heads for efficient, ongoing production. Many products and materials require polyurethane as a key ingredient in their design and construction. Read more

polyurethane foam construction
Oct 19

Why Polyurethane Foam Cell Structure Matters

Polyurethane foam cell structure is critical to multiple industries for countless products that consumers and businesses use each and every day. Many of these products are part of our daily activities, but just as many — if not more — go unseen. That’s because they serve as a structural, protective, or other foundational element of those products.

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polyurethane bulk 4
Oct 19

First, What Are Bulk Chemical Storage Tanks?

Bulk chemical storage tanks are far more than just a container for large volumes of polyol and iso. It’s a complete material storage system designed to make your organization’s production facility more streamlined, efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective.

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Oct 19

Why We Built a New Website

Welcome! As an organization with more than 30 years as a leading partner in the global polyurethane industry and the only U.S.-based polyurethane processing equipment manufacturer, we decided that it was time to upgrade the Linden Polyurethane website to properly reflect our growth and capabilities.

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polyurethane roofing
How Polyurethane Roofing Enhances Energy Efficiency
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spf insulation
Exploring the Benefits of SPF Insulation
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structural foam
The Role of Structural Foam in Modern Industries
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closed cell spray foam
Closed-Cell Spray Foam: What is it and is it Right for You?
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