structural foam
May 24

What is Structural Foam?

Structural foam is an umbrella term for a wide range of materials with a microcellular structure.
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polyurethane rigid foam insulation
Feb 24

Should You Choose Rigid or Flexible Polyurethane Foam Insulation?

Polyurethane, a versatile material with applications spanning numerous industries, presents a crucial decision point for users — choosing between polyurethane rigid foam insulation or its flexible counterpart.
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what is polyurethane used for
Dec 23
This versatile polymer exists in various forms, making it ideal for use in many industries and products. Its abrasion and solvent resistance, elasticity, and insulating properties make it a great fit for a wide range of applications. So, what is polyurethane used for?
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polyurethane processing machinery
Oct 23

Wide Range of Equipment Impacts Production, Performance

Polyurethane is an incredibly versatile material utilized across various industries from automotive and aerospace to construction and healthcare. To process and manufacture high-quality products, investing in the right polyurethane processing machinery is crucial.
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AI manufacturing
Sep 23

Artificial Intelligence is Powering Industry 4.0

Unless you’ve been stuck on a desert island, it is impossible to ignore the rise of artificial intelligence in 2023. Advancements in AI have energized business applications across every industry, including manufacturing. AI in manufacturing is transforming and redefining how factories operate, boosting efficiency, and driving innovation. Even manufacturers working with polyurethane can benefit from the adoption of this technology.
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IoT manufacturing
Sep 23

IoT Technology is Optimizing the Polyurethane Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) is taking the manufacturing world by storm, and the polyurethane industry is no exception. By harnessing the power of digital sensors and data integration, polyurethane manufacturers are poised to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, productivity, and quality. In this article, we’re diving into the world of IoT and how it’s revolutionizing the polyurethane industry.
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polyurethane uses in construction
Jun 23

The Complete Guide to Polyurethane Uses in Construction

In the construction industry, materials that are versatile, durable, and cost-effective are highly sought after. One of these materials is polyurethane.
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polyurethane repair
Jun 21

Keep Running with Repair, Rebuild, and Replacement Services

With the titanic size of the market, it makes sense for any polyurethane manufacturer, producer, or fabricator to be aware of and employ polyurethane repair services in order to stay up-to-speed with ever-increasing production demands.
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flexible polyurethane foam
Apr 21

Proactive Solutions Needed for Flexible Polyurethane Foam

Flexible polyurethane foam (FPF) is nearly ubiquitous in its use across a wide swath of consumer products. As a polymer produced from the reaction of polyols and isocyanates, FPF is characterized by a cellular structure that allows for some degree of compression and resilience while also providing a cushioning effect.

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polyurethane services
Mar 21

Being Proactive Matters More Than Ever in Today’s Dynamic Production Environments

With the pandemic came overwhelming uncertainty for many industries, with manufacturing carrying a great deal of it. Innumerable amounts of research have been done on its short- and long-term effects, but it’s clear that even essential operations saw significant upstream and downstream difficulties as suppliers and customers alike were forced to slow down — and in many cases, shut down.

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polyurethane roofing
How Polyurethane Roofing Enhances Energy Efficiency
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spf insulation
Exploring the Benefits of SPF Insulation
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structural foam
The Role of Structural Foam in Modern Industries
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closed cell spray foam
Closed-Cell Spray Foam: What is it and is it Right for You?
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